Monday, October 25, 2010

Madalina Iordache-Levay

While researching for the impossible images assignment I came across the work of Madalina and I absolutely loved it. Her entire site is "impossible images" that she has constructed. My favorites are the work that she did from 2007 to 2010. Most of her images deal with nature in some way, which is what I like to photograph most so I found the images to be very powerful and meaningful. One image I really like is "The Exodus of the Leaves". Thew photo provides excellent contrast between the white of the room and the bold red and oranges of the leaves. My favorite part of the image is the art on the wall in the background, which consists of dead white trees. The girl in the image is holding scissors, as if she cut the leaves off of the trees and they are now floating around her. I like that the image is impossible in this context, having leaves from a piece of art become real, but could be very possible if the girl were placed outside with a real tree near her. Another image that I particularly enjoyed was "Infertility", the title of which adds much more meaning to the image. The tree growing out of the woman's back reminds me of the photo I discussed in my last post about Robert Parke Harrison. I love that the dead tree is used to symbolize her infertility and the setting and background of the image just add to the overall effectiveness of the image.


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