Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lewis W. Hine

For my next photo project I am photographing things that people do with their hands that they feel are unique. I researched photos of hands and came across Hine's work. The image of his that I like most is entitled "Hands Turning Wheel". This image fits very well with my project because it basically follows the same theme. I like that you can't see who the person is, you can only try to guess who they are by looking at their hands, which adds a little bit of mystery to it and it also helps you to focus more on what the hands are actually doing. Hine also has a group of photos of people hand sewing. These photos do include the person's face, but you are still drawn towards their hands and what they are doing. Additionally, he has images of people using hand presses, loading hay, and with a hand puppet, among other things. The images are in black and white, and I think that the lack of color also helps to focus the image towards the hands. I plan to make my images for this assignment black and white and I think that it worked well in Hine's pictures.


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