Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ron Van Dongen

Ron's photos are all of flowers and plant-life. He has both color and black and white images, and while the black and whites are beautiful, I am much more drawn to the color images. I think that looking at a flower without seeing the color just takes something away from what flowers are. I like the way that he coordinates the background color with the color of the flower, it almost creates a colorless color effect in some of the images. One of my favorite images is of a brown tulip on a black background. The colors are extremely vibrant at the center of the flower, and at the tips the dark brown of the flower begins to blend with the black of the background, almost like they're melting together. I really enjoyed the variety of plants that he used, half of them I had never even seen before! There was one plant that looks like it has a bunch of little eyes on it, and I must say I'm very curious to figure out what exactly that is!

Source: http://photography-now.net/ron_van_dongen/portfolio1.html

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