Thursday, November 11, 2010

Simon Norfolk

When I first looked through Norfolk's images I was in love. They are mostly of nature, with man-made things mixed in. One image in particular that I was drawn to is of 4 people who are standing on a very green mountain/hill. There is even a lake in the image which appears to be a dark emerald color and draws you right into the center of the image. The colors are incredibly vivid, and at the top of the image they meet with white clouds, providing some balance to the image. Another image that I love is of an old, run-down airplane that looks as if it's been dumped in a desolate area of sand.In front of the plane there is a man holding a bird cage with what appears to be a hawk inside. To me the image is just beautiful...the bird in the cage is trapped and unable to fly just like the run down airplane, and this makes me wonder if the man in the image feels the same way. The next image in his series is similar, there is a man-made structure in the background and a man standing in the forefront of the photo. The color palette is the same gray/tan, but the man is holding a large group of very brightly colored balloons which seem to make the entire image. It seems strange for the balloons to be in such a desolate place, and yet there they are.


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