Thursday, December 9, 2010

Andrew Zuckerman

I first saw Andrew Zuckerman's photography while in Anthropologie. One of his books, entitled "Bird", was for sale and I decided to flip through it. I was immediately in love with his photography. His pictures are cut so that there is no background, only the bird flying through empty space. The photos have an almost unreal quality to them which makes you initially questions whether they are photos or drawings or paintings. One of my favorite images is the back of a parrot as it is taking flight. The colors of the bird are amazing and the wings are stretching out forming an almost heart-like shape as it takes flight. Another image that I love is of a brown eagle with yellow eyes staring straight into the lens. His mouth is slightly open and he seems to have a look of "what are you doing?" on his face. The detail in Zuckerman's images is exquisite. In each photo, it seems as if the bird is right in front of you, literally within 2 feet from you. I really like his technique of cropping out the rest of a photo so that you focus on the bird alone and the background of the image does not take anything away from that.

Source: "Bird" by Andrew Zuckerman, copyright 2009

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