Thursday, December 9, 2010

Loretta Lux

Loretta Lux's photos of children are actually a little startling, they are very sharp and there is just something about them that makes them a little creepy. One image that I like is "Lois 2", of a girl standing in front of a background of waves and blue sky. Her head is tilted to the side a little as if she is somehow questioning the photographer. Another image that I like is called "Spring". It is of a baby wearing a cute green jacket and standing in a green field. To me these images go away from "cute little baby" in two ways. One, like I said before, the images are actually a little creepy when looking at the faces of the children and their eyes. Two, the children appear to be in their own little world where there are no adults, it's almost like an alternate reality. The image "Isabella" in particular is creepy to me, mostly because of her eyes. The children also look very doll like in the images which I think also makes them less natural looking and in turn adds to the creepiness of the images. Overall, I think the photos are amazing but I can't escape from the thought that these children just don't look normal to me, but I think that is done purposefully.

Source: Loretta Lux, copyright 2005

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